New Leadership New Name
There has been much activity these past few months for the Sisters in the American Province. The Sisters have spent time in discernment for the many changes that have taken place. Throughout this journey, we have become stronger in our mission and ministry.
Journey from Province to Region
The Sisters gathered for prayer at the Convent Chapel to commemorate the Province to Region transition – a reorganization of governance structures. After many months of discernment and reflection, the Sisters closed one chapter of the story of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary in the United States and began a new one as a Region. It is our earnest desire and the commitment of the Little Company of Mary Sisters to continue our healing mission in the spirit of our founder, Venerable Mary Potter, as we serve God’s people.
New Leadership Team Installation

In September, the Sisters in the Evergreen Park area gathered for the installation and blessing ceremony of the new Leadership Team. Sister Carol Pacini, LCM was appointed the Region Leader for a term of three years beginning October 1, 2018. Sister Renee Cunningham, LCM and Sister Sharon Ann Walsh, LCM were elected as Region Councilors. In spirit with the Sisters in California, we thanked our outgoing team, Sisters Sharon Ann, Renee and Maura, for their dedication during the last four years. Our Pastor celebrated Mass in the morning and the ceremony followed. Sister Bernadette Fitzgerald, Congregation Leader, provided a beautiful environment for the special occasion. The ceremony was solemn and filled with God’s grace.