Sister Jean Stickney loved words – both written and spoken. In fact, one year at Christmas she asked for a Thesaurus.
She enjoyed the art of conversation. “Well hello there, anything newsy?” or “How’s every little thing?” were familiar greetings – always genuinely interested in whatever was going on in your life, both personal and professional.
Her heart’s desire was to compile a book. Sister Jean lived a joy-filled life and had so many wonderful stories and ideas to share. The task of organizing several essays and articles, numerous journals, mountains of notes to consider, bits of paper with ideas for stories, specific words that evoked emotions, and even pictures that captured her imagination into one entity was, at times, overwhelming, but truly a labor of love.
Sadly, our beloved Sister Jean passed away in October 2014 before her work could be finalized.
We’d like to share with you some of her writings. Enjoy!